Welcome to Kyhla’s Designs Appointment!Discs: KY 2889

{ You may make an appointment if you need any help with making ocs, outfits. }Go through a few things first before sending a request.


{ 1. As sending a request an appointment, make sure your request is APPROPRIATE.
Otherwise I will avoid your request and won’t accept it. }

{ 2. You must tell me what designs do you want for your ocs.
You also have to show me an image of what outfit, styles based on what you are talking about. }

{ 3. Do not be upset if I do not know what you are talking about, It shows some disrespect. }

{ 4. Give me CREDITS for helping you with the designs, do not claim that you made the designs by yourself. }

{ 5. Try not to steal my ocs designs once I show you some examples or you see some examples on here. }
{ If you do, I will make sure that you will be exposed one day. }

Outfit examples that I do for my ocs
(I do anything that is gothic, grunge, Victorians, Lolita, cultures, etc)

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

How to make a request
(Follow the instructions slowly)

First you go to my profile
KY 2889
If you see me in same discord server as you, my server nickname will always have some symbol or just KY

It is the best for you to send me a friend request
Because my dms are closed.

As soon you are been accepted (it means you are my next patients! )
Make sure you tell me what oc designs you are going for!

Reminder: if needing help with finding anything that could suit for your ocs!
Let me know in the server by pinging me if you are in same server as me!
If not send me a friend request once again if you remember it:)
(Thank you for going through all of this!)